Top Health News -- ScienceDaily Top stories featured on ScienceDaily's Health & Medicine, Mind & Brain, and Living Well sections.
- Genetic mutations linked to toxin exposure found in firefighters' brain tumorsam 10. März 2025 um 20:40
In a study comparing the glioma tumors of firefighters and non-fighters, researchers found a mutational signature tied to exposure to haloalkanes, which are used in flame retardants, fire extinguishers, and pesticides.
- AI tool to make genetic research more comprehensiveam 10. März 2025 um 17:42
Researchers have developed PhyloFrame, a machine-learning tool that uses artificial intelligence to account for ancestral diversity in genetic data.
- Tuberculosis relies on protective genes during airborne transmissionam 10. März 2025 um 17:41
Scientists discovered genes in the tuberculosis bacterium that becomes essential for the pathogen's survival when it's exposed to air through coughing. These genes could be targets for new therapies that simultaneously treat infection and prevent transmission.
- AI-based math: Individualized support for schoolchildrenam 10. März 2025 um 17:41
Researchers have developed an AI-based learning system that recognizes strengths and weaknesses in mathematics by tracking eye movements with a webcam to generate problem-solving hints. This enables teachers to provide significantly more children with individualized support.
- Cryo-electron microscopy reveals hidden mechanics of DNA replication, sheds new light on cancer targetam 10. März 2025 um 17:18
Researchers shed new light on G-quadruplexes, a type of secondary DNA structure that has attracted attention as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.